Gill Betts, our present Membership (or Subscription) Secretary, has served on the committee since 2006. In this time she has been the Membership Secretary for two spells totaling 8 years. After this long and conscientious service, she feels that is now time to stand down and let someone else take a turn in the role.
The logical time for a handover of responsibilities would be at the next Annual General Meeting in April 2017.
Please give serious consideration to filling this role.
The main tasks are:
- To welcome people to the meeting, collect attendance money from guests and ensure everyone signs in.
- To collect the annual subscriptions from members in January and enrol new members throughout the year.
- To keep a record of members, their contact details and subscription payments and pass membership details to the Secretary and Summer Programme Secretary.
- To send out the Winter programme cards.
The Membership Secretary serves on the committee which meets 4 times a year.
Job Sharing
It would be possible to reduce the commitment of attending every Winter meeting if some other member would be prepared to share the role and to run the welcome desk on the occasions you could not attend.
If you would like to know more about the post, please speak to Gill herself or to Ian Fowler (Committee Chairman).