Bordering on Insanity

Former director of the Oxford Botanic Garden, Dr Timothy Walker talked about the all-year-round herbaceous border, illustrated mostly with photos from the border his wife created in their former home in Oxford. Deliberately provocative (“Everybody knows there are really only five kinds of snowdrop”), his talk was full of insights and good ideas for the big audience to take away; and as usual – this was his 6th talk to Reading Gardeners – he kept us amused with his witty presentation and fast pace.


Timothy Walker:  Creating an all year round garden Tim says: “This talk looks exclusively at the herbaceous border in his wife’s garden and covers the principles and practicalities to be adopted when trying to create a border that is interesting all-year-round. It concludes with a look at a collection of must-have plants for such a border.” The former director of Oxford Botanic Garden is an entertaining and informative speaker.