Summer Social & Plant Sale

Private cars to St. Timothee Darlings Lane, Maidenhead, Berks SL6 6PA

Sarah Pajwani has very kindly agreed to host our Summer Social & Plant Sale in her 2 acre garden. She opens regularly for the NGS and all proceeds will go to this charity. Some of you may have been here before and it is ideal for us as there is plenty of parking space and she has an area where she can provide tables for our plants and, most importantly, a delicious tea!

Through the spring and early summer do remember to pot up and carefully label some plants to donate and bring plenty of cash to spend.

Directions:- Leave the M4 at J8/9 onto A404M. Take the exit 9 onto A4 into Maidenhead.
Left at the 1st r’about onto A4130 Henley Rd. After ½ mile turn right onto Pinkneys Drive. At Pinkneys Arms Pub, turn Left into Lee Lane and follow the NGS signs which Sarah will put out.

Cost                    £10.00
Non-members £13.00