Summer Social and Late Plant Sale

Don't miss the Summer social and see Richard Bisgrove's most interesting...
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Photographic Competition

Once againe we will be holding the annual hotgrahpic competition. Details will be circulated...
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Start of the Winter Programme

Our first meeting of the 2022/23 winter programme is on Thursday 6 October. We will be welcoming back Rosies Hardy of Hardys Cottage Garden Plants. The subject is Autumn Flowering Perennials. Rosies will be bringing plants for...
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Ornamental Grasses

Annie Godfrey, Daisy Roots: Ornamental Grasses At her nursery in Hertfordshire Annie grows perennials and grasses. Plantswoman, speaker, designer, and Chelsea gold medal winner, she will give us an expert view of ornamental grasses, and winning combinations for our gardens. Plants for...
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Covid Precautions

Covid precautions at our meetings Here is what we plan to do to keep the risk low: 1. Masks: Please wear a mask when you arrive and sign in. When you take your seat you may wear a mask or not, as you choose. 2. Hand sanitiser will be available at the welcome desk, and we encourage you to use it. 3. Social distancing: please respect people's personal space. 4. Tea and coffee: Tea and coffee will be provided free of charge PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN MUG as we won’t be supplying cups or mugs. 5. Raffle: with regret, we have decided to suspend the raffle for the time being. 6. Ventilation: we will only open doors and windows for normal ventilation and...
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